A son in-law after his own heart-- somewhat

My dad is famous (or infamous) for his corny jokes and puns. I'm sure his efforts in this area have translated into his family members having a rather acute sense of words and their many meanings. This morning, I knew New Daddy was in rare form when he told me to get my "son's young moon" off the potty. I didn't even get it at first, because I didn't know who Sun Myung Moon was. Alas, after a brief explanation, I chuckled with great gusto.

Then, as New Daddy was explaining to me the finer points of changing out the insoles on his shoes, he waxed philosophical and quipped, "If you teach a man to fish, he'll drive you crazy asking you to take him fishing for the rest of his life." Now, this is where he deviates significantly from my dad, because my dad has never liked fishing, and New Daddy was obviously speaking from personal experience. There we are.

Friday, we tried to drive the van to the dealer to have them look at it. But, the transmission gave up at the traffic light 2/10 of a mile from our neighborhood. Thankfully, there was a hill after it, which New Daddy coasted down. He coasted into the parking lot of a church, and I soon followed in the truck. We went back home, called the tow truck, and returned to the church. New Daddy got Precious out of the truck to run around the church property, instead of being cooped up in the extended cab.

They ended up going inside to the daycare class, which was meeting in the sanctuary (!). "God must have brought you here!" the lady exclaimed. In the next sentence, as she led Precious around the room, she barked at the chirrens to "Hesh up!" and other nicely worded requests. Obviously a woman with excellent mob control skills. I was thinking that Precious would be their "star student," being well-trained and potty trained and all of that good stuff. The irony is, that she would never be there, because she has a mom who is able to stay at home and take care of all of that stuff. Hmmmm.

Okay, so the tow truck came, and we met him at the dealer. Dealer called New Daddy later in the day. And the bottom line is that Honda will pay for the new transmission, and we're going to pay for the labor. Our van didn't have a service history with Honda until I took it in for an oil change a couple of months ago. All things considered, we're very pleased with the result. It should be ready tomorrow.


Anonymous said…
Ok, I had to chuckle at this one. The first line or two brought back a memory of Marie and me helping your dad with something upstairs and your dad explaining the meaning of ton and tun. I'm sure I could conjure up similar memories if I thought long enough. :-)
Marie said…
I think "The Man" himself taught me who Sun Myung Moon was--Bwhahaha!

Yup, it does seem Ben's falling into the tradition, hook, line, and sinker...

Anonymous said…
I'll have you know that I gave money to the Moonies once. Of course, therein lies a tale....LOL.
New Mommy said…
Agh! The things you learn from blogging! Shall we hear the story of how this donation came about, someday?

New Mommy said…
I must recant my "Agh!", now that I have heard the tale, as related to me via email. Aunt Kaye was dying of thirst on a mountain road, and the Moonies were selling Kool-Aid on the roadside. I'm pretty sure I would have done the same thing, too. lol