
Precious woke up again after I put her down at 6:30, so we pottied, and I fed her supper. So much for strict bedtimes. She was obviously awake, and she needed food! I think being pregnant makes me a little more empathetic to hunger ;~).

Before I put her down again, we were sitting in her room relaxing. Suddenly, she looked up at me questioningly and said "Uh Dee-daa?" ("Where's Daddy?"). I almost cried telling her that there was no Daddy tonight, that she would see him tomorrow. Then, she pointed to the window and looked at me questioningly again.

This morning, New Daddy's wake up call was a really excited "Hey, Dee-daa!" Somebody is someone's hero. I'm glad he's taking the bus tomorrow, and he'll get to see her in the evening, too!


Anonymous said…
That is too cute! I have adjusted my kids' schedules where they are able to have time with Alex in the evenings. (He usually gets home anywere between 6:30 & 7:30 if not working late and they go to bed at 10:00 waking up around 8:00 or so). But there are times that he works really late and I have to put them to bed before he gets home. It is heartbreaking telling them that Daddy isn't home yet and they will see him in the morning. So I understand what you were feeling last night.

Lord Bless! Love ya'!
Isaac'swife said…
aww isn't that the cutest. :D