Sittin' down

Precious has learned how to turn herself around and sit down on things. "Things" can be anything: a footstool, the bathroom scale, my leg, and even my airborne foot when my legs are crossed. Usually when she sits on my foot, she expects a bouncy ride. Here she is sitting on the bottom of the tractor chair.

This sitting business makes me think she is totally ready to sit on the potty now! I've just ordered two potty training books from Amazon. One deals mainly with infant potty training, and the other one discusses infant potty training along with later ages. I need some concrete tips, and I'm thinking these books will provide the information I need for us to "have success." :D I'm planning on teaching the new little one to potty from the start. Check out this mom-blog.


Marie said…
Yes, Last weekend she had some fun bouncing/sitting up and down on my shoulder... lol!

Hmmm... I don't know what to think about infant potty training--seems pretty risky to me. BUT-- I agree with you, that Renee's ready for training in that direction.

Love Y'all!
New Mommy said…
I think most people agree with you about potty training an infant. Would you believe at the turn of the last century, doctors' debate was over whether to potty train a child at 2 weeks old or two months!

I've been reading that Pampers changed all that in the 1950s and promoted later potty training as part of their marketing. And we all bought it...
Marie said…
Lol--you know more than me!

Love you Lots

New Mommy said…
Maybe I went a little overboard with the factoids?

I do realize that potty training is a very personal decision for all mommies. I just enjoy alternative, or really old-fashioned-- take your pick-- ways of looking at things.