Hi friends! I just have to jump on here for a minute.
Our little Honda (first cash car- yay!) that was having transmission trouble has been completely fine for past two months. Since last October, we hadn't driven it, except for short trips around town because it wouldn't kick back into drive after turning off at lights (hybrid feature). Then, after a couple of mechanics gave us no hope (short of a complete replacement that would cost more than we paid for the car), we decided to just drive it until it died. In early January, I had a couple of harrowing trips while chauffeuring kids, but after those initial issues, it has completely cleared up. When it was acting up, we just thanked God for healing it, and it has been completely fine since mid-January.
It's the small things that are big things.
And if any of our friends saw the previous post about the car and prayed about it... thank you!!! God certainly answered your prayers!