Upon starting my fourth decade...


When I wasn't yet an adult, and I heard of people turning forty, it sounded like a huge number... so old. Funny how that changes when you're the one staring at it! I've been looking forward to this birthday for a long time. My seemingly short life has taught me so many lessons, and I feel like I deserve to have a number that reflects this. I even have a few "wisdom highlights" that I'm actually pretty pleased with and don't plan to cover.

On mother's day 2017, I realized that I was exactly halfway through my mothering career (or when my children are 0-18). Precious was 13, and I was 13 years from Tater turning 18. As we've shifted from diapers and car seats to iPods and essays, the second half of our parenting career, I find myself more in the mode of life skill training...

Cook a signature meal.
Keep your composure during disappointments.
See the bigger picture.
What is this difficulty teaching me?
How is the other person perceiving this situation?
Ask open-ended questions, ones that begin with W's or "How".

I'm realizing that in a very few years, New Daddy and I will be turning adults loose into the world. It's a looming deadline, a major responsibility. We like John Rosemond's words:

"No parenting decision if difficult to make," I tell my audiences, "if you tune the decision to that long-term vision of the adult you are raising. That approach will keep you moving steadily and in a more-or-less direct path toward that goal."

So... ~Channel Change~

All of us ladies are into aging gracefully, right? I'm all about that, so I thought I would go all infomercial/advice-y and offer my thoughts on taking care of oneself.

Rest and Exercise

This isn't starting off sounding very original, is it?

I explain to friends, "I do such-and-such, because I'm lazy." What that really means is, that I prioritize rest and efficiency. Take time for that relaxing cup of tea, because the down-time will equip you to be a nicer, more productive person later. Prayer is never wasted time. As my children need me less physically, I've tried to fill that time void by resting and refilling. There's a book that I have yet to read, but I definitely agree with the title: Teaching from Rest.

Exercise. In my twenties, this was almost unnecessary... and who has time with babies needing constant attention? But sometime around my mid-thirties, I noticed that things were starting to fall apart. I needed some general upkeep and prevention, but I am far from a fitness role model. So here's what I do three-ish times per week: planks and jumping jacks. That's it.

Planks are for upper body and core strength. They can be augmented with different types of leg lifts. Planks help with almost all movements that we do on a regular basis- walking, running, bending, and... jumping!

Jumping jacks (and impact exercises) keep leg bones dense, the lymphatic system cleared out, and let's admit... what better way to celebrate a strong core by jumping a lot? I'm up to 110 per session, and I started at 40 about a year ago. Also, it's great to be the fun mom who can delight the kids by jumping on the trampoline with them from time to time :).

Eat for your Metabolism

I love Dr. Mercola's Nutritional Typing Test. I'm missing my appendix (it stores beneficial bacteria), so I don't handle sweets well at all; also, I need more probiotic foods and dietary fat than maybe most people do. I've realized that a mostly paleo/GAPS-y diet keeps me from putting on excess flab. I'm nicely padded... and I feel great. New Daddy, on the other hand, needs lots of carbs. Since he's started running 5 miles three times per week, he really needs carbs.

So, what to do?
I make a stir fry and serve the rice on the side. He and the kids get all the rice they want, and I skip it, opting for the protein, veggies, and fat. Egg salad lunch goes on bread for everyone else, and in a bowl for me with full-fat cottage cheese (probiotic) and kimchi (also 
probiotic). Our Costco usually carries a great kimchi. Definitely listen to your body. It will tell you when it loves what you're feeding it. It will hurt when you feed it food that doesn't suit you. The Nutritional Typing Test will help you listen to your body and figure out which foods you thrive on.

Also, don't throw out bacon grease. That was another mistake from my early twenties.

Drumroll for the last point...

Cheap Facial Care

Y'all, Tuesday Morning is the bomb. I have friends who sell pricey face stuff. And I'm glad they can earn some money on the side. But I am not the person who prioritizes buying this stuff. I'm pretty sure most of our money goes to food and music lessons. So I scoured the face creams at Tuesday Morning. I found one made in Italy that has hyaluronic acid, and it costs $5.99. I bought the night and day versions. I also bought a $5 pack of anti-aging face masks. I did one before I had Precious snap the photos of me for this post. And that's pretty much it. I do take plenty of supplements that probably help my skin, but I should probably list those in a separate post.

Also, hats. I love my wide-brimmed hats for keeping the sun off my face. When I was kid, I thought only old ladies wore big hats. Well, folks. I'm there. Over the hill, y'all!

Lastly, enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit. To be honest, nothing makes your face look better than a good, emotional cleanout. Whatever works for you... if it's some worshipful music, pressing "play", being in a Spirit-filled service, or just taking a few minutes to fellowship with Him... He is Life, and He renews our youth with His presence. And it's totally free!!

Enjoy life. Happy new decade to me!


Anonymous said…
Happy birthday! Chris W.