Nine days after my last post that included my grandmother's 95th birthday, this amazingly long and well-lived lady passed away. We had her birthday party at the beginning of June, a week later she fell and cracked some ribs, and a week after that, she went home. Now that's the way to do it. Her memorial service was on Tater's birthday. Here was an adorable video of her birthday song- watch to the end!
Could she have been be any more precious? We're thankful for her legacy and peaceful departure. I had the privilege of playing piano for her funeral. We had sung "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms" as the opening hymn of my grandad's funeral 7.5 years ago, and I thought it would be fitting to play it as the exiting hymn for my grandmother's.
We just finished an incredible road trip that really wiped us out! We dropped off Precious for her second year of Still Waters Camp and arrived home around 10:30 PM last night. Bro. Joseph told us to take a good look at our children, because when they get back, they'll have the Holy Ghost. I believe SWC is the closest place to heaven on earth. I pray God blesses the hard-working people who make it happen. Precious came back completely different last year, and I know this year will be an even greater blessing. We took Poppy and Mimi with us in the drop-off line, and they had a fabulous time.
I did finish painting Cutie and Tater's room Benjamin Moore "Silver Mist", and we absolutely love it. Enter new curtains, and the room feels very reposeful. This color definitely looks better with the new flooring.
I did finish painting Cutie and Tater's room Benjamin Moore "Silver Mist", and we absolutely love it. Enter new curtains, and the room feels very reposeful. This color definitely looks better with the new flooring.
We're gearing up for a yard sale this Saturday. Always clearing stuff out... thankful that our house isn't huge and we're forced to get rid of things that aren't useful to us. I hope the weather cooperates!
The downstairs bathroom... is still in progress. An electrician is coming out this week to wire up some GFCI outlets, and New Daddy is almost ready to paint primer on the stock tank-tub. These projects definitely expand one's patience!
Bubby wants a new color for his room- going for a teen-friendly gray, and he might get it sometime in the next two weeks. More on that later!