Summer "Hello!" (crazy?)

Three months might be the longest stretch that I've gone between blog posts.

The crazy ended about 2 weeks ago. Final recital of the year was Sunday. (I should probably just realize that recitals are cyclical.)

Maybe I should start to accept crazy as the new norm. And perhaps embrace it.

But if I don't have time or the mental space to sit down and read books for leisure, joke with my children, and make broth and kombucha, that officially qualifies as crazy.

Lately, home ownership has been giving us a dose of crazy. We didn't change the air filter on time, and the condenser is freezing up. Lots of trips up and down the attic stairs with the wet-dry vac. The installer didn't orient the drain pan correctly and cut off the drain pipe to the pan, so New Daddy was up in the attic plumbing up a new line last weekend. We're on the lookout for a new a/c person. And I've put a reminder on my phone to change the air filter in 3 months.

New Daddy replaced all of the house locks last night, because the millennial who stayed with us for a few days decided to mail us the key back in a plain, white envelope. It was missing from the envelope (which had our address) upon arrival.

The father's day card I gave New Daddy said something about him being our hero. We did not anticipate all of the ways he would be able to fit this title. Hah!

Our neighbor's cat got stuck in a tree for 5 days. It appears that it is down this morning. Last night, I tied up Rosie with the chickens to ensure that she didn't hamper the neighbors' nighttime rescue efforts. She is, ahem (could go TMI), not a fan of cats. Especially clueless, indoor cats who like to escape to trees along her fence.

Ok- enough depressing, adulting stuff!

We had a fabulous camping trip to Davidson River at the beginning of June. Family is awesome. Here are some photos...

Sisters selfie at a great natural food store

Then, I was the Essentials tutor trainer again at the CC practicum, and we sang Dona nobis pacem ("Grant us peace") in a round for our Latin on-the-job training. It was beautiful. The practicum speaker is one of my favorite speakers, ever! I came away from it feeling very edified, educated, and encouraged. I told someone that even after I've graduated my last child and I have grandchildren, I'll probably still go to practicum, because it's free, and it's just fun to learn new, classical-ish things.

While I was at practicum, the kids were with Mimi and Poppy, almost solving a locked-in room, buying lots of clothes, and gallivanting to Charleston to see the Angel Oak.

Then, Bubby traveled to Washington DC with Aunt R and cousins I and S. They had many great experiences- holocaust museum, air and space, natural history, etc. Great fellowship and learning opportunities on that trip!

He returned home on Saturday (practiced his instruments during the car trip), and our chamber music recital was on Sunday afternoon. We held it at a nursing home, and that was hands-down the best option. There was a nice-sized, super-appreciative crowd, and we didn't have to rent the space. Granddad R tuned the piano for us/them (they so appreciated this, too), and the music was very accomplished. So proud of these kiddos and their hard work!

So now the blog is caught up. Happy summer, everybody!
