In the thick of things

On one hand, it's a bit embarrassing to note that my last blog post was two months ago.  On the other hand, it's a perfect explanation of what's been going on around here: school.  Precious has started the Essentials program with Classical Conversations, and I'm the tutor for the class.  (CC maintains the position that the child's parent is his teacher, and the mom leading the class models ways to present the material as a tutor, not the teacher.  I like that.)

Another thing that's been going on around here is that Tater is [finally] potty training.  Or finishing.  Or something.  All I know is that once I convinced him that he was going to get a jellybean snack for #2, I heard him racing to the toilet to relieve himself.  Let's just summarize that potty training with four kids has been slightly different than it was with three or fewer.  Ha.  My mind is always going in five different directions, and sometimes these paths intersect the toilet.  But it appears that I might have finally bought my last huge case of diapers from Costco.

Our neighbor sprayed roundup on the weeds bordering our fences, and Rosie has been acting strangely.  Lower appetite, nose wrinkling.  But it's also time for her to "nest" and collect toys to mourn her lack of motherhood.  Not sure what's going on, there.

We have some old Buff Orpington hens that we purchased back in 2010.  Two are left from that batch, and they're quite hearty.  But I think we've finally decided that their days are numbered.  We have fifteen Australorps, nine Barred Rocks, and three Easter Eggers.  And of the four Silkies that we hatched out this Spring (just before Mr. Tableson died, he gave Honey a clutch to hatch), it appears that two are cockerels and two are pullets.  Not sure what we'll do with the extra cockerel.  We might keep him, since they make almost no noise.

Okay, bedtime (I'm tutoring tomorrow, er, today).  But that's a brief rundown of recent news.
