Cuteness overload report

Tater is running, lilting, and dancing all over the place, and the things he comes up with are just charming our socks off.

In the past week, he's learned to ask "Can I have... ?"  When he was hungry a few weeks ago, he declared in the car, "Eat eggs?  And sauerkraut?  SO GOOD!"  Yes, that would be my child.

He's gotten it in his head lately that he needs to wear Bubby's old snow boots to go outside to the newly-built tree house.  "I go to the tree house with my buh," he tells us.  He insists on tromping around in the six-sizes-too-big boots on a daily basis.  Here he is carrying laughing Elmo around with these boots on.

Didn't I already mention that New Daddy and Tater have a shaving club?  Well, on Sunday, Tater accidentally shaved his tongue and wailed "Ow ow ow ow!"  When he asked me to kiss that boo-boo, he followed my face around with his tongue sticking out until I could get away.  I tried to explain to him that I couldn't kiss tongue boo-boos.

Speaking of wounds, it seems that they lend themselves to something like a party.  Tater will loudly announce that he has a boo-boo and hold it out for everyone in range to kiss.  But the other side is when he detects a boo-boo on someone else, it gets immediate attention for a kiss and great concern on his part.

Prayer!  Oh, my.  He's asking if he can pray over meals and at the end of devotions with the other children.  He usually repeats family members' names several times until I remind him about blessing the food; he then does this and loudly announces "AMEN!"   Today, he read a book that said, "Jesus Christ-- sweet" to him.  He also doesn't mind announcing-- in the middle of someone else's prayer-- that he has his eyes closed, as he pinches them piously shut.  "I close my eyes!"

The other thing I didn't mention in his two year-old update is that he loves balls.  He will throw any object that to him resembles a ball.  This isn't always a successful venture.  But I see a definite interest in sports in his future.

So that's all I can think of for now without delving into a detailed, play-by-play of our days.  Life with this little man is a lot of fun.
