Natural stuff I do

People are usually curious about my various home remedies/cleaners.  I thought I'd share the things that I've found to be effective.  This is also good reference post for me.  I have lots of solutions in my arsenal; but when a child is sick, concern for the child sometimes sends my memory packing. 

Around the house
Glass cleaner: 1/2 vinegar, 1/2 water spray
Laundry: Charlie's Soap laundry powder (can't stand artificial smells)
Stains: Charlie's Soap Indoor/Outdoor Surface Cleaner
Bathroom Cleaner/Disinfectant: 1/2 vinegar, 1/2 water, plus lemon and tea tree essential oils
Drain cleaner:  Pour baking soda down the drain, add vinegar (fizzes).  Finish with a pot of boiling water.
Soap: - great prices on bulk blocks of natural soap
Pest control: food-grade diatomaceous earth, Charlie's Soap Indoor/Outdoor Surface Cleaner

Ear infections: warm garlic-infused olive oil (garlic pieces removed).  5 drops in ear, and massage into skin below the ear.  Proper nutrition (WAPF diet) prevents ear infections.

Gashes, deep cuts: paste made of water and 90,000 HU cayenne pepper powder, dabbed onto the bandage

Growing pains, muscle aches: magnesium gel or epsom salt soak (Mg also regulates blood sugar, softens skin, and reverses calcification)

Lice: Coconut oil mixed with 10-20 drops of eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint and rosemary oils.  Cover scalp and leave in hair for 24 hours (cover with a disposable shower cap), rinse with vinegar, wash with Dr. Bronner's eucalyptus soap several times to get rid of greasiness.  The NitFree comb is much better than the drug store ones.

Pimples: Coconut oil or Miracle Salve

Deodorant: equal parts coconut oil, baking soda, and cornstarch.  New Daddy loves using the DeoDad that we make in our own kitchen ;).

Skin irritations/poison ivy: water mixed with food-grade diatomaceous earth to make a paste (so many other uses for d.e.)

Stomach issues/food poisoning: apple cider vinegar in water (1 Tbsp per 4 oz. water), Tummy Tuneup probiotic

Cold/Flus: This article.  A gold mine of information for treating sickness naturally.

Cuts and scrapes: tea tree oil applied either to the pad of the band-aid or directly to the skin with a cotton ball or swab.  It disinfects, doesn't sting, and promotes tissue growth.

Stings/bites: Miracle Salve or Common plantain/ribwort, chewed up and spit out on either the skin (cover with band-aid) or the bandage

Dry skin lotion: equal parts coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax, melted together (head-nod to MadeOn Lotion, and thanks for sharing their recipe!)

I bet this is just a start.  What are your favorite nontoxic remedies?
