What we've been up to

I haven't talked much about Tater lately.  I thought Cutie was a dream-baby, but I was wrong.  Tater is even more of a dream baby.  We had a few gassy nights just before he turned six weeks old.  We had Christmas in July, and I had eaten too many gingersnaps.  Bad idea for nursing baby.  We treated with probiotics (Tummy Tuneup), and those problems disappeared.  After the six week-mark, all of our problems sort of melted away, and we've been in the honeymoon that occurs between newborn fussies and teething.  Okay, scratch that.  I've realized that the drooling and gum-sucking of last week means that he's working on some teeth; but at least he's still sweet.

He's been sleeping through the night- yes, in his crib- for almost two months, now.  Like I said, dream baby.    He has definitely set the record for all of my children in this area!  And no crying it out.  He found his thumb about a month ago (dream baby), and he settles himself down with it, as long as I lay him down before he's overtired.  Thank you, Dr. Weissbluth (and my cousin who told me about his book).

And now, at almost three months old, Tater smiles and coos and lets us know we're the center of his universe.  It is so endearing!  I was remarking to New Daddy that I can't remember a time when any one of our children didn't communicate.  Babies (humans) are so expressive!

And yes, Tater uses the potty.  Sometimes, this works against him, such as when he's overtired and needs to poop, but I forgot about the possibility of a poop, and he can't bring himself to go in his diaper... yeah, that involved a lot of crying.  Finally, I put him on the potty and then nursed his tired self to sleep.  Dream baby once again.

And somehow, the logistics of housework have been slowly working themselves out.  I've simplified meals, especially on Mondays when we have Classical Conversations.  We now have only one laundry hamper in my room, instead of everyone using their own hampers in their own rooms.  That keeps me caught up on laundry.  And I wash diapers every other day; sometimes we can get a second day out of the diapers.

Precious can cook some basic meals, and she's learning how to use measuring spoons.  I've been revisiting how to not be a slob with everyone, since we're spending a lot of time with school, and less time straightening rooms.  I can't think when a room is messy.  In my world, orderly space creates orderly thoughts.

Speaking of orderly thoughts, I've been taking fermented skate liver oil from Green Pasture!  Whoah, is that stuff expensive, but worth it.  A farm near us places group orders regularly, so at least I'm able to join in and get a discount.  The skate oil is higher in DHA than the cod oil, and it is awesome for energy, mental clarity, and hopefully cavity prevention (dental checkup in 2 months).  Bubby prefers the orange-flavored skate oil, and the girls prefer the mint-flavored fermented cod liver oil.  They think it tastes like Mimi's gum (!).

And that's a snapshot of what's going on in our world!

All of us at Tater's dedication back in July


Anonymous said…
ok. I know this post was about Lucas but Noelle looks SO much like Marie did when she was younger in that picture! Never really noticed the resemblance that close before. (Must be the adorable pig tails that highlight it)

New Mommy said…
What a neat observation! You probably guessed that Marie was behind the camera, too :).