Cutie: "Daddy, I want you to do Super Girl and Super Boy with me!"
Cutie, with her hands together: "I'm trying to pop my uncle."
Cutie to Precious, sitting behind her in the car: "Precious, pull up your seat, because my knees can't breathe!"
Bubby's prayer on July 4th: "Lord, I pray that I'll have a happy Fourth of July, and that we can get an American flag and run through the whole yard with it, and see lots of sparkling fireworks."
Conversation between Precious and Bubby while cleaning the living room:
P: Hey, can I throw your [paper craft] bat away?
B: No, it's not just any bat. It's a vampire bat. It has very long front teeth and it drinks blood.
P: Well, can I throw it away?
B: No, I'll do it.
On a different note, this was Precious' commentary after we made a morning trip to the grocery store with a tape playing at the end of the sermon (63-0724). We sang along as we drove back home:
"Mama, listening to the Word of the Lord is the best way to start the day. Some people watch t.v. or listen to the radio, but that doesn't help them. This is just wonderful!"
Cutie, with her hands together: "I'm trying to pop my uncle."
Cutie to Precious, sitting behind her in the car: "Precious, pull up your seat, because my knees can't breathe!"
Bubby's prayer on July 4th: "Lord, I pray that I'll have a happy Fourth of July, and that we can get an American flag and run through the whole yard with it, and see lots of sparkling fireworks."
Conversation between Precious and Bubby while cleaning the living room:
P: Hey, can I throw your [paper craft] bat away?
B: No, it's not just any bat. It's a vampire bat. It has very long front teeth and it drinks blood.
P: Well, can I throw it away?
B: No, I'll do it.
On a different note, this was Precious' commentary after we made a morning trip to the grocery store with a tape playing at the end of the sermon (63-0724). We sang along as we drove back home:
"Mama, listening to the Word of the Lord is the best way to start the day. Some people watch t.v. or listen to the radio, but that doesn't help them. This is just wonderful!"