New Daddy's relief in the ultrasound room was tangible this morning when we saw with our own eyes that #4 is definitely a boy! I love girls, and I love my boy, but New Daddy really wanted another boy. And so did the other kids. We are all happy; New Daddy is so happy, he thinks he already has a name picked out.
This time around, I've been reading about dopplers and ultrasounds. I didn't even want to do an ultrasound, but New Daddy had to know what we were having. So we went with that-- once. But at my regular checkups, we're back in the Dark Ages with a fetoscope. I don't think anyone has detected the heartbeat with it, yet. The midwife that I saw today wasn't too concerned, since we had just had the ultrasound a few minutes earlier. But I'm not sure how much longer they're going to let me go on with this old-fashioned craziness!
I'm a little apologetic, but I can also recall the way all of my in-uteros have squirmed to get away from the doppler's sudden onslaught of really loud sounds. This time, I want to leave this little guy alone, let him enjoy his days cuddled up (soon to be squashed up) inside his cocoon as long as he can, with as few prods as possible from the outside. The outside will come soon enough, and he'll have to make his way in this harsh world. Let's leave him alone as long as we can.