Cutie to New Daddy: "Daddy, can you do super girl and super boy for me?!"
Precious to the farm animals: "Sorry, guys; we have to go to the slaughterhouse today. Sorry to say; but you have to leave this world."
Also- lisping her math drills because the two front teeth are missing? Okay, whatever it takes... I think the bizarre accent made the information stick.
Bubby: He's not sucking his thumb anymore, thanks to that nasty, anti-thumb, nail-polish-stuff, but the other night, I caught him with his lovie (the giraffe) and his thumb. Horrified, I yanked his thumb out of his mouth several times. Finally, he just chuckled in his sleep, rolled over, and left his thumb out of his mouth. I walked out of the room with the cartoon-ish [?] over my head.
When Bubby calls for water after we've put him to bed, Cutie races into the kitchen, grabs his glass, fills it, and takes it to her Bubby. Mwah, mwah.
Precious to the farm animals: "Sorry, guys; we have to go to the slaughterhouse today. Sorry to say; but you have to leave this world."
Also- lisping her math drills because the two front teeth are missing? Okay, whatever it takes... I think the bizarre accent made the information stick.
Bubby: He's not sucking his thumb anymore, thanks to that nasty, anti-thumb, nail-polish-stuff, but the other night, I caught him with his lovie (the giraffe) and his thumb. Horrified, I yanked his thumb out of his mouth several times. Finally, he just chuckled in his sleep, rolled over, and left his thumb out of his mouth. I walked out of the room with the cartoon-ish [?] over my head.
When Bubby calls for water after we've put him to bed, Cutie races into the kitchen, grabs his glass, fills it, and takes it to her Bubby. Mwah, mwah.