My ADHD Journey III- Summary

And now, the summary.

In my experience, there are three ways to approach ADHD recovery. The first two that have worked for me: diet and supplements. Which, if you go by Hippocrates: "Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food...", the two aren't too distantly related. The third method ties in nicely with Hippocrates' dictate, also.

Protein-based, low gluten, and properly prepared grains. A ketogenic model works well for me. Lots of meat with its fat, vegetables dripping in fat on the side. Teeth marks in the butter on the (sprouted) bread. See info on fats on the Weston A. Price website.

Iodine for the hyperactivity associated with ADHD. Cod liver oil for mental acuity. Some people merely have trouble focusing. They might not need the iodine as much as someone who has "racehorse" tendencies. But cod liver oil is a must-have food for anyone attempting to overcome ADD or ADHD.

I buy my 5% Lugol's Solution of potassium iodide from J. Crow's Marketplace, where you can also read more about iodine's usefulness in an excerpt from Dr. Jarvis' book, Vermont Folk Medicine.

I buy cod liver oil from various places. I follow the directions here to make sure that the Vitamin A to Vitamin D ratio is 10:1. Example: 2,000 IUs A, 200 IUs D. Adults need enough cod liver oil to supply 10,000 IUs of Vitamin A per day. Children two years and up need 5,000 IUs Vitamin A. Pregnant and nursing women need 20,000 IUs of Vitamin A in cod liver oil, per day.

The third solution is more in-depth, nutritionally, and would certainly provide a permanent cure. This is the Gut And Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. Here, you can watch her intro to this diet, and the amazing results that follow it. She cured her son of autism, and she is accustomed to curing her patients of diabetes, mental illnesses, allergies, autoimmune disorders, and everything that falls in between. Amazing stuff.

Most people who suffer from ADD and ADHD have a root cause of gut imbalance. Hippocrates also said, "All disease begins in the gut." GAPS corrects ADHD, plus any digestive or other issues that may be occurring. The main component of the GAPS diet is bone broths that heal the gut. To me, broth is a delicious, essential ingredient to most meals. You combine it with healthy meat and some veggies, and meals are based on this model. It takes some discipline, but it is delicious, real food-- unlike most diets; most importantly, it works.

These posts on ADHD are not intended as medical advice. They are a reflection on my personal experience, in hopes of relating to others who face similar challenges.


Deborah said…
I appreciate the information about the natural remedey for Rachel because it been trial for all three of us since the first grade. Having u write the information in detail helps out alot because we had her taking less the amount. Thank u so much
New Mommy said…
You're welcome! Reading over this again, I'm realizing that now, I mostly take fermented skate liver oil, which is higher in DHA than cod liver oil. I buy it from here, and it's working beautifully for me. Unfortunately right now, they're out of the bottles that are a better value to buy.