Ah, poor bird, part II

It seems that once a year, we lose a chicken. Last year, we lost Mrs. Tableson, a blue Silkie, to a hawk. This year, we lost a Buff Orpington, whom Precious named "Isabella" (after the Spanish queen) to lice and worms. I had bathed her in water with drops of eucalyptus oil, fed her extra food, and she was starting to regain her strength. She was okay as long as the weather was warm. But the morning after the cold rain swept through our area, I found poor, stiff Isabella under the feed container. She had no fat on her and likely froze to death. New Daddy dug a deep hole for her; thankfully, Rosie the pup has left it alone.

Which brings me to lice prevention... namely diatomaceous earth. I also added apple cider vinegar to all of the chickens' water. This is especially important during the summer months when worms tend to be at their worst, but when I was the least diligent. I used to do these things as a matter of course, but had been negligent for several months.

So, I'm back to adding diatomaceous earth to their feed (even though the feed already contains d.e.), and I sprinkled the entire ground underneath their tractors when I moved them this morning. After reading an article like this, it seems like a no-brainer to use d.e. for a variety of issues. I'm hoping this will improve the health of all of the chickens. Back to being consistent!

A few more random thoughts-
I also read about using [potassium] permaganate of potash, or Condy's crystals in the chickens' water. I'm thinking I can find it at the pet store... I'm sure it can't hurt! I'm also adding ACV to Rosie's water; the chickens didn't seem to have problems until she came along. I've also been adding d.e. to her raw food from day one, and plan to keep it up.

RIP, Sweet Isabella.


Tweetotshop said…
YAY! I can finally comment again! Such a pretty chicken too!