The ice cream cone dilemma

There were only two cones left, and there were three children who wanted their ice cream in a cone. What are the perks to eating ice cream in a bowl? 1- You get more ice cream. 2- Whoever eats from the bowl will get their ice cream first.

Nothing doing.

Cutie wouldn't be tricked, either. I offered her the bowl. "No, sit down!" she ordered the bowl as she pushed it back to the counter. "I'na cone!"

Bubby had been promised a cone already, since he had a stomach virus yesterday, and he didn't get a cone then.

And so the lot fell to Precious. Luckily, as soon as I filled the bowl, she snitched a bite off the top. "It's yours now!" I cheerfully declared.

Precious burst into tears when I handed her the bowl.

Alas, I let her have a bite of Cutie's cone before I gave it to Cutie. And then, Precious asked Cutie for another bite, which Cutie gladly gave her.

Thus, our dilemma was haphazardly solved.
