Our new chick

The previous picture-post was a barely nicked egg. And now, here are pictures of us with our baby chick! We've moved Mrs. Rumphius, the two other eggs, and the chick to the cage in the garage. It was supposed to be a cold night, and the New Mommy of the house was a little nervous about the new baby being in the yard.

He was born sometime in the mid-afternoon, because when we got back from a piano lesson that also involved AAA jump-starting the van... well, there was a chick, and its feathers were still stuck to it. We've been obsessed this evening. He's starting to feather out, wobble around, and scramble under his mama. It is so precious to watch, and we love hearing that "peep peep," only this time with a mama to cluck back at him. Even more precious.

"I always felt sorry for an incubator chicken. A chicken that was born in an incubator chirps, and ain't got no mammy to go to. That puts me in mind of a seminary preacher that don't know no more about the Word of God than what the seminary said: Chirping and no mammy to go to. But when you are really born under the wings of His grace and power, you'll agree with every word He said is the truth."
The Oneness of Unity 58-0128
