Well, the 3-0 is upon me. My twenties began with college, getting the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and meeting New Daddy. Since that decade was mostly full of marriage, teaching, and children, it was full and fast, a huge learning curve.
Over the past ten years, I've read To Train Up a Child, so I know how to have kids obeying before they're walking. I've read Created to be His Help Meet, so I know my part of a successful marriage. I've read Nourishing Traditions, so I know how to feed my family. These were the landmark books of my twenties. They helped soften the learning curves.
Still, the kids grow, the marriage changes, but is constant; and the kitchen always holds the intrigue of trying something even more "traditional."
This leaves me wondering what the next decade of my life will hold. In ten years, we'll have two teenagers in our home. Hopefully, my hair will have thinned out a little from the pregnancy growth spurts, and I can wear it down without it getting tangled in everything. I'll be nearing the end of the childbearing season of my life. I'll be looking forward to grandchildren. Actually, I already am. My life is consumed by beautiful children.
I guess you realize that you're starting to get older when you begin measuring your life in decades and not years. Time passes more quickly, and you realize the need to redeem it. I hope I can do that as the next decade passes.
"I offer myself to God, tonight, with all my heart, with all that's in me. I don't have very much to give; I can't bring frankincense, myrrh, and gold, 'cause I have none. But all I have in myself that God give me, this life, I dedicate it to Him afresh tonight, upon the manger of His Word in my heart; and promise Him, to stand with that Word, if He'll let me live another year, just as faithful as I can stand; preach every bit of It, and believe every bit of It; so, help me, God. Will you do the same with me?"
Why It Had To Be Shepherd 64-1221
Happy 30th.
I kind of wonder if maybe drastic changes in life begin to slow down after 30. I know I'm ready for things not to change so quickly in the 30-40 decade!!
(side note, can you update the links for "Trevor's Blog" and "AnnaMay's blog" We've moved it to the combined site www.z2ti.com)
I love you. Happy beautiful birthday.
Marie, I love you, too! I got a little tear-y writing it, too.
Happy Belated Birthday!!
Sister Melody