Finally seeing the light...

We've been buried under a mountain of homeschooling, practicing guitar-violin duo music for a wedding reception, getting over a random virus, and dealing with Cutie's staph. Unfortunately, it was the bandage that caused the staph to spread; whereas, just spraying silver and leaving it open probably would have worked very well. But, last Tuesday, I ended up taking Cutie in to the doctor and getting a round of antibiotics.

We kept running out of Bee's Aid, because it tastes really good to a couple of naughty older siblings. And I'm not about to spend $12 on a little snack for them that ought to be for medicinal purposes. So. (end rant) I'm using tea tree oil topically, plus the oral antibiotics. She's clearing up nicely.

The Random Homeschool Update
Today, I heard Precious truly read her first word. And she made a 100 on her first math test, on place value. These accomplishments make the hard work very rewarding! We've also started Classical Conversations this week, and I can already tell it's going to be a great year. Precious loves her science and American history readings from Queen Homeschool. We're also using readings from the Ambleside Online Year 1 booklist.

The Random Cutie-skills Update
Cutie is saying things like "Can I have some milk?" now- just past nineteen months. She can sort-of sing the "B-I-B-L-E" and the ABC song. Whenever she sees a violin or hears music, she says "la la la." That must be the word for music. She loves taking care of babies and her siblings. She comforts Precious and is Bubby's favorite person to wake him up.

Chicken Update
In just under two weeks, we'll be processing the buff orpington roosters. We have a friend who's coming over to help us and get a chicken in exchange for their help, since we've never done this before. We (and we're sure, our neighbors) are looking forward to greatly-reduced crowing in the mornings.

And that's about it for now. We're glad that our gig is over. We're hoping we'll actually record that cd we've been talking about, now that our chops are up. We're on the mend from the virus. And, life goes on.


Anonymous said…
A CD would be really nice!!
