Cutie has started doing so many things, it's almost too much to keep up with on the blog. But, since this is likely the only memory I'll have of these milestones, I'd better get to writing.
She's saying just about anything we tell her to say. This age is the usual "language explosion" age around our house. The basics, like mama, daddy, hey, bye, please and night night are second nature. She explains events in her own language. Vocabulary for objects is somewhere near 30: basic things like seat, shoes, pants, socks, cat, chicken (of course), and duck. And, I almost forgot some of the most important items in her life, her lovie-blankets. She calls them "kee-kee." Her newest sentence is "I want some," an important plea with two older siblings.
Potty training is completed. Occasionally, I ignore her or don't hear her say "tee tee," and she does something in her coverless diaper-nappy that we use as training underwear. But overall, she's dry during the day and through the night.
She is in such a fun, cute stage, but she's starting to try to ignore commands. We've been shoring up the training a little. She squeals when New Daddy tosses her around, squeals at Bubby's peek-a-boo games, and pats Precious when Precious is having trouble waking up. Actually, Cutie mothers all of us when we need a little extra encouragement. Such a sweet, empathetic girl.
The older Cutie gets, the more enjoyment we get from watching our three children interact with each other-- the way their personalities and abilities mesh, weave in and out between each other, and usually result in great fun. If they could stay rested and well-fed every waking hour, we'd almost never have disagreements. It is a joy to raise such interesting, unique children!
It's been a wonderful year and a half of Cutie-ness.