The advent of the aquarium

New Daddy and Bubby went fishing last Saturday while I stayed home and had a pink-tea party with the girls. New Daddy didn't come home with any bass, but they did come home with a jar of twenty tadpoles and four minnows that they had slapped up onto the bank with their paddle.

After New Daddy got Bubby off to bed, he ran out to Wal-mart and bought a 1.5-gallon aquarium kit. And we dumped the animals in. Sunday evening, we boiled lettuce for the tadpoles. Today, I went out and bought freeze-dried worms for the minnows. Several tadpoles died, and two minnows gave up the ghost after Bubby overdosed fed them this morning while I was still in bed.

Late this afternoon, I noticed a minnow hanging out behind the filter, close to the surface. At first, I thought we were about to lose another minnow. Then, I started noticing baby minnows darting around the tank. I got out the camcorder and set up the tripod. Finally, we captured the mother releasing a baby. I can't wait for the kids to wake up tomorrow to baby minnows!

Hopefully, the tadpoles won't eat them all. They haven't shown too much interest in the lettuce...
