I'm blogging over there a little, as things happen in this garden-mini-farm of ours.
Why the mini-farm?
Well, I was told by New Daddy that we need some actual laying hens, not just cute fluffy ones that make nice pets and give us eggs every other day. Therefore, I was instructed to make my way over to a local feed store where Buff Orpington chicks were all the rage. After the man chased down a few for us, we brought them home to our garage, where they will grow into our meaty egg layers. And, since we'll also be on the lookout for some Buff Orpington pullets, I think we are starting to qualify for subdivision-mini-farm status. Hopefully, our chicks are all girls.
And, on that note, I must sadly inform my readership that Mr./s. Rainbow is now decidedly a Mister. We heard him crowing early Saturday morning, even daring to compete with Mr. Tableson. I listed him on Craigslist that very day. Cockerels just can't do things like that on Saturday mornings, can they?
Why the mini-farm?
Well, I was told by New Daddy that we need some actual laying hens, not just cute fluffy ones that make nice pets and give us eggs every other day. Therefore, I was instructed to make my way over to a local feed store where Buff Orpington chicks were all the rage. After the man chased down a few for us, we brought them home to our garage, where they will grow into our meaty egg layers. And, since we'll also be on the lookout for some Buff Orpington pullets, I think we are starting to qualify for subdivision-mini-farm status. Hopefully, our chicks are all girls.
And, on that note, I must sadly inform my readership that Mr./s. Rainbow is now decidedly a Mister. We heard him crowing early Saturday morning, even daring to compete with Mr. Tableson. I listed him on Craigslist that very day. Cockerels just can't do things like that on Saturday mornings, can they?