It's been a while since I've commented on the kids' developing talents.
Precious has been taking more responsibility in the kitchen and with household tasks. She can load laundry into the machine-- with the help of a chair, and load it into the dryer. She spreads her own butter and helps me make mayonnaise, chocolate milk, and scrambled eggs regularly. She and Bubby are always creating games and "being" people. Lately, I've had the privilege of observing the adventures of "Rachel and Bobo."
Bubby has started telling elaborate stories with dialogues. One rider in the car asked, "Is he reading a book?" No- just telling a story. He's still loves puzzles and his trains. His trains are stories waiting to happen. "Gordon, I want to come over to your house" (says Henry). And baby sister dares not touch the trains, or his puzzle pieces, while he's playing with them. Also, Bubby has finally mastered jumping off of things, but not as high things as Precious.
Cutie has discovered our "thank you" game that I've played with all of my babies. She takes a piece of silverware from the dishwasher and holds it up. I take it from her, and say, with a huge smile, "Thank you!" She's learning to say "thank you," herself, and she loves the cause/effect of it all. She's still crawling around, and trying to figure out how to stand up from her feet, instead of pulling up. Steps? No, not really, unless you count cruising.
So, that's what everybody's been up to on our very full, beautiful, Fall days.
Precious has been taking more responsibility in the kitchen and with household tasks. She can load laundry into the machine-- with the help of a chair, and load it into the dryer. She spreads her own butter and helps me make mayonnaise, chocolate milk, and scrambled eggs regularly. She and Bubby are always creating games and "being" people. Lately, I've had the privilege of observing the adventures of "Rachel and Bobo."
Bubby has started telling elaborate stories with dialogues. One rider in the car asked, "Is he reading a book?" No- just telling a story. He's still loves puzzles and his trains. His trains are stories waiting to happen. "Gordon, I want to come over to your house" (says Henry). And baby sister dares not touch the trains, or his puzzle pieces, while he's playing with them. Also, Bubby has finally mastered jumping off of things, but not as high things as Precious.
Cutie has discovered our "thank you" game that I've played with all of my babies. She takes a piece of silverware from the dishwasher and holds it up. I take it from her, and say, with a huge smile, "Thank you!" She's learning to say "thank you," herself, and she loves the cause/effect of it all. She's still crawling around, and trying to figure out how to stand up from her feet, instead of pulling up. Steps? No, not really, unless you count cruising.
So, that's what everybody's been up to on our very full, beautiful, Fall days.