Before & Afters

(Can you believe I'm actually posting these so quickly? Heh- neither can I. Maybe we really are "on a roll.")

Living Room
Before (looking at the house for the first time)

After- painted and new curtains up

Master bedroom
Before (from Cutie's 4-month pics, taken four months ago)


Hall bathroom

After- new paint, light fixture, medicine cabinet, toilet, tub, and tile. Still need to tile and replace sink on vanity top.


monibl said…
Sharon, it all looks so beautiful!! I love all the things you have done to the house! You know I have been in your bedroom a couple of times since you've painted it and I still haven't noticed the new paint! Pitiful. I will make a mental note to pay attention next time I go in there! Looks beautiful in the pic though and I'm sure even better in real life!
New Mommy said…
Thank you! Probably when you've been here, the bedroom was so messy, you couldn't see the wall color. :D
S.R.P. said…
It looks really good. I love it.
You wanna come and do my house :D
Anonymous said…
No, it def. wasn't that your bedroom is messy! You should see mine...