Unbottling amnesia

Recently, I was glancing at an IBC root beer carton, and my eyes fell on this slogan: "IBC Bottles Memories." Well, then, if high fructose corn syrup is processed with mercury, then IBC root beer must truly "bottle memories," just as they claim. I don't think it even qualifies as false advertising, except for its gross misrepresentation of nostalgia. Don't they know that high fructose corn syrup is a freak of nature, and did not even exist one hundred years ago? It sounds more like IBC needs to unbottle their deficient memory of what a quality beverage is.

And now, back to our regular programming.


Isaac'swife said…
you can now buy pepsi made with real sugar..........;)
New Mommy said…
Yeah! I think the soft drink industry might just be catching on to the hfcs-thing. Coco-cola is starting to use "truvia" (stevia) to sweeten drinks.