... New Daddy and I got married! Here's a photo, since I still have my photo cds packed away.
Grandma R is coming over later to babysit while we go out for dinner. This has got to be one of the great advantages of living closer to family! And, if I can't find a way to supply Cutie with food while I'm gone, she'll probably be going with us. She's still quiet enough, and I'd probably have to turn the house upside down to find what I'm looking for.
When I told Precious that we were going out on a date tonight, she said, "That makes me sad," and she wanted to go with us. I told her that she was going to have lots of fun with Grandma R here, and that Grandma was going to read her lots of good books.
Precious asked, "Could she read us some bad books?"
"Bad books"- that is so funny!