Cutie is two months old today! I love passing by her, glancing at her, and *bing* there's a smile, whether I was looking at her or not. Cutie is quite the chunky gal at 15 pounds, and she's lengthening out nicely at 23.5 inches. She coos so adorably, even at videos of New Daddy!
Today's big news is that she has found her thumb! I had tried a pacifier, and it worked well for a few days. But the biggest problem was that it was pirate's loot for my older swashbucklers. Precious and Bubby were always wanting to know where it was, fascinated by the fact that it somehow stayed put in Cutie's mouth. I put it up to keep it out of the way, and I lost it. Since I never go shopping, and they're so easy to lose, I'm afraid there will be no pacifier for this gal. The thumb, it is.