Precious, standing in front of an open window during our gorgeous weather last week, "I'm sipping the wind! Did you hear me slurp?"
Bubby seems to have problems with cross-dressing. Lately, I have tried to approach the subject diplomatically. One conversation went something like this.
NM: "Bubby, is Daddy a boy or a girl?"
B: "He's a boy."
NM: "Is Bubby a boy or a girl?"
B: "I'm a boy."
NM: "Bubby, boys wear pants, and girls wear dresses. Have you ever seen Daddy in a dress?"
B: "Yes!"
After much continuance, persistence, and clarification, I finally got Bubby to admit that New Daddy does not wear (and has not ever worn) dresses. And neither should Bubby, for that matter. I still think we have a ways to go on this one, especially with him spending his days with two sisters and a mommy.
Apparently, Precious has the same knee-jerk rebellion to organized worship as most of us do. "Father Abraham" instructs us in exactly which hand to raise, and when. All that instructed hand-raising, arm-lifting, teach-your-children-to-be-religious-puppets annoys me. I'm pretty proud of Precious! Her version goes something like this: (and even varies)
"Father Abraham had many sons... so let's all praise the Lord, right arm, left hand..."
(I do realize that some might attribute this to memorization gaps. :D)
Bubby and Precious love their Butterpats 2 cd. They've memorized most of the songs, with their own "hearing" of the lyrics, of course. Bubby's take on "Jewels" is this:
"Gather his tools, precious tools..."
(just like his granddads!)
Bubby seems to have problems with cross-dressing. Lately, I have tried to approach the subject diplomatically. One conversation went something like this.
NM: "Bubby, is Daddy a boy or a girl?"
B: "He's a boy."
NM: "Is Bubby a boy or a girl?"
B: "I'm a boy."
NM: "Bubby, boys wear pants, and girls wear dresses. Have you ever seen Daddy in a dress?"
B: "Yes!"
After much continuance, persistence, and clarification, I finally got Bubby to admit that New Daddy does not wear (and has not ever worn) dresses. And neither should Bubby, for that matter. I still think we have a ways to go on this one, especially with him spending his days with two sisters and a mommy.
Apparently, Precious has the same knee-jerk rebellion to organized worship as most of us do. "Father Abraham" instructs us in exactly which hand to raise, and when. All that instructed hand-raising, arm-lifting, teach-your-children-to-be-religious-puppets annoys me. I'm pretty proud of Precious! Her version goes something like this: (and even varies)
"Father Abraham had many sons... so let's all praise the Lord, right arm, left hand..."
(I do realize that some might attribute this to memorization gaps. :D)
Bubby and Precious love their Butterpats 2 cd. They've memorized most of the songs, with their own "hearing" of the lyrics, of course. Bubby's take on "Jewels" is this:
"Gather his tools, precious tools..."
(just like his granddads!)