New Daddy has told me that in his teenage years, whenever a new Bass Pro catalog would come in the mail, he would spend hours poring over it. The first thing I do when I see one of these catalogs in the mail, is throw it straight in the trash. These days, New Daddy never has time to go fishing, and if he wants something, he'll go buy it, right? This morning, however, the kids went to check the mail with me, so Bubby caught sight of this before I could get rid of it. Don't you think he's starting a little early, though?
"There's a fishy, there's a fishy."
Asking, "Can I see my Bass Pro?" while I had him pose with it.
"Fishy, fishy in the brook.
Daddy caught it on a hook.
Mama fried it in the pan,
And "Bubby" ate it like a man!"
The original said "Baby."