Quick update

It's been a while since I've had time to actually sit down and write something. It feels like I've just been posting pictures and videos to keep everybody happy!

The reason I actually have time to blog is because in the last few days, Cutie has gotten really good at putting herself to sleep. How has this come about? She has started refusing to go to sleep if we're holding her. I've figured out that if I wrap her in her warm fleece blanket and lay her down, she's good to go. I can hardly believe it, especially after rocking my other two to sleep until they were at least three months old. I guess children with older siblings need a break from people once in a while.

She does still sleep in the Moby wrap, which makes shopping easier. But, we're not getting out a whole lot these days. She's still not in love with her car seat, though she has made peace with it, marginally. As long as she doesn't need to poop.

New Daddy has been working from home, but not really on a project, since Cutie was born. Last week, he went back on a local project, leaving us at home to fend for ourselves. There were a few stressful days, especially Thursday, when Cutie would not stay asleep for a long time. Finally, we went outside, and she dozed on my shoulder on the swing while the kids played. His going back to work also ended my "video Friday" stint. No time for such things...

My grandmother (mom's mother) passed away Friday, January 30th, and the funeral was last Wednesday. I wish Cutie had gotten to meet her, but I guess that will have to wait. It was interesting that my grandad (mom's dad) passed away about a month after Precious was born. He did get to meet her a few days before he went, though. We're really going to miss my grandmother, but I'm also glad that she's not in pain anymore.

And that's the news for now!
