Week 2 collage

Clockwise from top left: hot chocolate and fire; sisters on the floor; Precious lines up the babies and asks me to take a picture; everybody in bed together.


Anonymous said…
i'm wondering if they new baby has had her eyes gouged out accidentally by brother yet or if sister has bopped her in the head with a babydoll by accident... just reliving some of our early days. haha.
p.s. have you ever been holding your newborn and walked thru a door only to clunk their head on the door frame?
i can expect social services to show up at any time now right? ;)
New Mommy said…
Unfortunately, yes to all of the above. I think I've conquered the door frame, at least, so far.
Sarah said…
How sweet they all are!!

Emma had a baby doll that was the same size as the twins, and since I walked around in a half-conscious fog that first month or so, it would always make me jump whenever I saw that doll on the floor...
Anonymous said…
Noelle is so adorable. She looks like a tiny baby doll.
Anonymous said…
How cute!!!
New Mommy said…
Sarah, I know exactly what you mean about the doll! Mimi didn't want me leaving Cutie on the floor for the exact same reason-- someone might think Cutie was a doll :D.