How to bide

Today, I got my 40-weeks email with tips on biding time until the baby arrives. I've been hoping that making lots of plans that I would have to cancel for her arrival would speed things up. No luck; Cutie doesn't seem to be in any hurry at all. (okay, this is bad; I just typed "Precious," and I had to replace it with "Cutie." I'm already getting their blog nicknames mixed up.)

How about this for biding my time? I went ice skating today. Mimi and Poppy wanted to take the older cousins during this visit. Mimi was going to attach some traction-things to her shoes to go out with the kids, but there was a no-shoe policy at the rink. Since I had been on ice skates more than the other adults in our group, I volunteered to be the one who went around the edge with the kids.

I enjoyed my one lap with Precious, and Cousin Za was like a pro, almost from the beginning! Cousin Zo kept pointing at him and saying his name; she knew her brother was The Stuff!

When Precious and I stopped in the hockey bleachers to take a small break, the head skater came up to me and asked me if I was pregnant. I didn't dare tell him today was my due date. Then, I was very nicely asked to get off the ice. I gave my skate rental to Aunt Mo, and she did another round with Precious, and some with Cousin E.

So much for trying to ice skate at 40 weeks pregnant! At least I got away with it when I was 16 weeks pregnant with Precious, before I was showing ;).


Anonymous said…
haha wow i didnt know they would ask u to get off the ice if ur pregnat, i wasnt showing when i went skating, i enjoy ice skating, david loved it to when we took him! he didnt want to leave.
Anonymous said…
Ha! I get on-line to see if you are on, wondering if Cutie has made an appearance yet and see you two nights-in-a-row not on-line. And also seeing that yesterday was your due date... And that you went ice skating that far along...Now I am really wondering! :-)

New Mommy said…
She's still cozy, and pretty happy where she is, it seems! Thanks for checking on us!
Sarah said…
Ice skating at 40 weeks....shame on you! haha! Towards the end of my pregnancies, I always had a perverse urge to act extremely indignant and offended when someone asked if I was pregnant.
Anonymous said…
could you sue them, like if they told you to stop breastfeeding in their establishment? somehow i don't think it is the same...