Recent sayings

Precious is always leaving us in stitches. Here are a few things that have hit the airwaves recently.

These days, the kids love to browse through our photo albums. I've been thinking I need to buy a few more blank ones to fill up before baby gets here, and to give them more to look at. For Bubby, photos are an opportunity to name people. Poppy usually gets labeled "The Poppy." In our wedding pictures, Bro. Luke is "Wah Wukes." For Precious, it becomes a storytelling session. Looking through our wedding album earlier this week, I explained that when we got married, I wore a pretty white dress. Precious looked at me quizzically, and formed this question, "Do you still-- is it still in your hamper?" (The home for all clothes that have already been worn...)

And then, one of her first puns showed up last night. She loves to hear about when she was a baby, or when she was first learning to talk. Unfortunately, such stories usually result in a baby-imitation session, but we can endure that for a few moments. When she was learning to talk, she would say "Look at 'dere'!" when she was showing us something new. I recorded it for posterity, and she has heard this recording several times. Last night, she said, "And when I see Bro. Dale, I'll say, 'Look at Dale!'"

We're still talking over new baby names, but the ultimatum will come tomorrow, provided we can determine the gender from the ultrasound. New Daddy is far more opinionated than I am; meaning, he doesn't like any of the names I come up with. "Too old-fashioned," "The kid who got made fun of in my school the most was named that," and other excuses like that. Still, I think we've settled on at least one name for each gender. And the news will follow... soon.


Anonymous said…
Oh, I can hardly wait to find out what you're having! I loved reading about the kids! I could just imagine them doing/saying those things. Take care!
Anonymous said…
Hey!! thats funny about her sayin that abotu bro.Dale! Can wait to hear what your having!!! i' sooo excited for you!