The sippy cup rant

New Daddy's family was made aware of my campaign against sippy cups at Christmas, when New Daddy wrapped up and gave Precious her very own brand-new sippy cup. This was after I had confiscated all sippy cups from the house. I had seen enough wet dots on my carpet from the kids shaking their sippy cups upside down (or even worse-- spills when they discover that the regular glass in their hand is not a sippy cup), and heard enough fights over which sippy cup was whose, so I finally threw them all in the trash.

However. Whenever New Daddy would hold Precious, and they would reach a certain place in the kitchen, she would automatically ask him for a sippy cup so that he could wrap her in a blanket and carry her like a baby while she nursed the cup. Naturally, when there weren't any sippy cups to give, New Daddy would give me the puppy dog look, his heart broken. So, he promised her that he would buy her one for Christmas. And he did.

And so we arrive at today. I read this article about Lexan plastic leaching hormone-mimicking chemicals into drinks. I forwarded it to New Daddy, asking him if we should get rid of our colored Nalgenes. He replied, "yep." I then re-discovered our non-leaching LDPE Nalgenes with sport tops in the back of the kitchen cabinets. After I gave New Daddy his daily water supply in one such Nalgene, Precious asked for one. Then, Bubby wanted one, too. Out they all came.

I know I'm weird, but I have no problem with them sipping on Nalgenes, but I still can't stand sippy cups. Even though New Daddy went all-out and got Precious a lovely, insulated yellow one printed with music notes and a flip-top to protect the spout from germs, I remain unchanged. For now, the LDPE Nalgenes have won.

P.S. You know you might be dabbling in herbs when, instead of singing "Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow," your three year-old belts out, "Beans, bines, and garlic oil!"
