Bubby is now running, which means that he falls a lot. He has also finally cut in his fourth 1-year molar, which means that he is a lot happier now. He and Precious are wonderful together-- most of the time. In the store, I can count on them to amuse each other with hand slapping games on the shopping cart handle, peek-a-boo, or some other crazy, invented game that sends them into fits of guffaws. They pick up blocks together, he trashes her room, and she tries to grab him and tackle him whenever she can. He's starting to imitate her, running up on her and grabbing her stomach. They both find this hilarious.
I frequently gather things to donate. In fact, I have a pile in our bedroom that I need to call and request a charity truck to come pick up. Yesterday, Precious climbed into a laundry basket with a stool, a bucket, and a doll and asked me to donate her, along with the contents of the basket. I told her that I didn't think they would know what to do with someone so brilliant. She agreed and decided that being donated might not be so great after all.
About donated items, New Daddy recently donated some items to Precious. She was milling around his home office yesterday, looking for something to do. Then, New Daddy remembered that he had a new keyboard hidden away. When he graciously presented it to her, she said, "A keyboard? For me? Oh, thank you!" New Daddy's heroic daddy-heart swelled to about five times its size. He then produced a mouse. She was so excited, she ran to the stairs, showed me her new silver keyboard, and read me the letters on the top rows. The function keys were really cute ("F, F, F, F...").
I'm getting excited about purchasing/ receiving some quality children's literature for Precious' Charlotte Mason-style studies. In fact, I've started getting downright snobby when she asks to read things like the Cookie Monster book with the push-button sounds. Hearing "COOKIES!" makes me want to crawl under something and roll my eyes. "No," I tell her, "please bring me something intelligent to read." And she does. {smile}
Here's her Amazon wishlist. I can't wait to relive my sentimental childhood favorites: Miss Suzy, Scuffy the Tugboat, and The Five Chinese Brothers (which is totally un-politically correct now- heh). Plus, all of those Cynthia Rylant and Robert McCloskey books. Oh, I can't wait to get started!!
I frequently gather things to donate. In fact, I have a pile in our bedroom that I need to call and request a charity truck to come pick up. Yesterday, Precious climbed into a laundry basket with a stool, a bucket, and a doll and asked me to donate her, along with the contents of the basket. I told her that I didn't think they would know what to do with someone so brilliant. She agreed and decided that being donated might not be so great after all.
About donated items, New Daddy recently donated some items to Precious. She was milling around his home office yesterday, looking for something to do. Then, New Daddy remembered that he had a new keyboard hidden away. When he graciously presented it to her, she said, "A keyboard? For me? Oh, thank you!" New Daddy's heroic daddy-heart swelled to about five times its size. He then produced a mouse. She was so excited, she ran to the stairs, showed me her new silver keyboard, and read me the letters on the top rows. The function keys were really cute ("F, F, F, F...").
I'm getting excited about purchasing/ receiving some quality children's literature for Precious' Charlotte Mason-style studies. In fact, I've started getting downright snobby when she asks to read things like the Cookie Monster book with the push-button sounds. Hearing "COOKIES!" makes me want to crawl under something and roll my eyes. "No," I tell her, "please bring me something intelligent to read." And she does. {smile}
Here's her Amazon wishlist. I can't wait to relive my sentimental childhood favorites: Miss Suzy, Scuffy the Tugboat, and The Five Chinese Brothers (which is totally un-politically correct now- heh). Plus, all of those Cynthia Rylant and Robert McCloskey books. Oh, I can't wait to get started!!
enjoyed the blog!
jenn (41 1/2 weeks pg)
You need to post some pics of them playing together... haven't seen any photos for a while!
It sounds like it was Cookie Monster needed to be donated, not Precious! Thanks for the book suggestions. We love Eloise Wilkin & Shirley Hughes around here :)