Things we say

Precious, to her doll-

"Oh, baby! Are you crying? What do you need? Oh, you need a spider? Okay, here you go. Now you're happy."

(It was actually the stuffed ladybug of "The Very Lazy Ladybug." I guess it looked enough like a spider to make the baby happy.)

Bubby, to all of the objects that he loves to drop/throw-

"Uh uh ohhhhhh."

Mommy, to Bubby when he hands her things-

"Thank you!"

Bubby smiles and repeats.


Anonymous said…
Just as I was reading about "Do you need a spider" I sensed something on my arm, and it was a spider! He made his way to the black board and as I started to squish him, he jumped at me!! He's probably on me now! Ahhhhh!!

Pass the spider please.. Thank you.

love, Poppy