I'm learning the hard way-- by a failing garden, that chlorine in tap water destroys healthy, microbial garden soil. The only solution I could see was to buy a $50 outdoor water filter that can also be used for a RV hookup. New Daddy thought of a money-saving solution and suggested that I fill my watering can in the shower. This morning, I did just that.
What I didn't expect was the reappearance of the little tree frog who has developed an affinity for my two-gallon watering can. Wednesday, I was watering, when *poof*, a frog appeared on the handle. I yelped, and then realized that he was quite cute and harmless. My mom was here and reminded me that frogs are beneficial to the garden. I must say that I was better able to appreciate his benefits after he jumped off my watering can.
Well, this morning, he decided to reappear while I was holding the watering can under the unchlorinated stream of water in the shower. I yelped again, but continued filling the can. I noticed his throat quivering. He must have more scared than I was. When I set the can down, he shot off the can and into the tub. I squealed again. Realizing that I was out of my league, I marched to the railing over the stairs and called for New Daddy to come rescue us all. He grew up turning river rocks over for crawdads and catching all sorts of creatures, and I am very thankful for his expertise in this area. He laughed at us, and brought the "froggie" back to the garden, where he belongs.
And, after all of that, we got a beautiful thunderstorm late this afternoon with a nice soaking rain.
What I didn't expect was the reappearance of the little tree frog who has developed an affinity for my two-gallon watering can. Wednesday, I was watering, when *poof*, a frog appeared on the handle. I yelped, and then realized that he was quite cute and harmless. My mom was here and reminded me that frogs are beneficial to the garden. I must say that I was better able to appreciate his benefits after he jumped off my watering can.
Well, this morning, he decided to reappear while I was holding the watering can under the unchlorinated stream of water in the shower. I yelped again, but continued filling the can. I noticed his throat quivering. He must have more scared than I was. When I set the can down, he shot off the can and into the tub. I squealed again. Realizing that I was out of my league, I marched to the railing over the stairs and called for New Daddy to come rescue us all. He grew up turning river rocks over for crawdads and catching all sorts of creatures, and I am very thankful for his expertise in this area. He laughed at us, and brought the "froggie" back to the garden, where he belongs.
And, after all of that, we got a beautiful thunderstorm late this afternoon with a nice soaking rain.