Preschooler monologue

I think most preschoolers come to the stage where they repeat questions over and over and over until the people around them lose all semblance of sanity. Well. Precious has arrived.

But, I have a solution! I don't answer her after the first time! Well, at least I try not to. I'm not sure if she's finding out if I'll change my mind, or just trying to fill the silence. Both personality tendencies are in the family, especially the one about filling silence.

Here's what a typical conversation in the car sounds like.

"Mommy, can I have my gun-glasses?"

"No, honey. We left them at the store, and we don't have them anymore."

"Mommy, can I have my gun-glasses?"


[question repeats four more times, until...]

"Mommy, can I have my gun-glasses? Oh. Okay."

Variation- in the car while Mommy is busy with driving tasks or letting Bubby suck on her finger with her right shoulder hyperextended to the other side of the row behind her.

"Mommy, may I have some water?"

"Yes, honey, in just a minute."

"Mommy, may I have some water?"

"Yes, in a minute."

[Question repeats several more times. Mommy forgets that she promised water, because she doesn't hear Precious anymore. She's also stopped answering, because she does not hear Precious. The I-didn't-hear-you phenomenon still baffles New Daddy.]

The last-ditch attempt
"Mommy, may I have some water? Oh, okay. I can have some water."


Anonymous said…
OH I AM SO THERE WITH YOU!!! I get "Mama, banana! (or insert name of other food or item) Mama, banana please!??"

"No Brian, we are out of bananas. See? No bananas. Let's have an apple instead."

"NO Mama, banana please???" Repeat 10 times and each time get louder and more urgent.

At this point I hand him the apple and go away to meditate and find my "happy place". LOL.
Anonymous said…
ah! how simple but genius! i am a serious daydreamer and don't realize i have been asked something 10 times until the 11th time! haha. i will try this method and see if it works over here. or what is so much worse to answer the question WRONGLY while daydreaming or distracted. "mama, can we have hot fudge sundaes when we get home from church instead of supper?" i reply "sure baby, that will be fine" then after they all yell "yeah! you're the best mommy ever!!!!" and begin clapping do i realize my folly! then i'm like "what? wait, what did you just ask me?" like i've awoken from some dream! lol!
New Mommy said…
Jennifer, I KNEW there were more space-cadet moms like myself out there! Methinks it's a valuable survival mechanism. Helps us stay sane, eh?
Anonymous said…
That is too funny. My kids repeat themselves constantly too (try having 3 all doing it at the same time). I too, find myself agreeing to something without even listening and then later hearing "But you promised! You said you would (or we could)". I wonder what makes younger children do this repeating...