It's worth living...

... but obviously not worth blogging about. I think we've been too busy lately living to blog about everything we're doing. So, I'm over the excuses. Here's the scoop.

We spent last weekend at Mimi and Poppy's with New Daddy's family. His brother and family were coming in for vacation this week, and we decided Friday morning to join everybody for the weekend. We had a fabulous time. I have the best in-laws in the world. Here's the Poppy Band photo. The tune was "Erie Canal," and the stars were Poppy on the piano, Z on the trumpet, E on the recorder, Bubby on the high piano part, and Precious in the drum-washboard-dance section.

Oh, and this one-- the Poppy Paddle Dance by New Daddy and Uncle B. We really should have tried to video this one.

More pictures are on the Picasa.

Last night, New Daddy was telling Precious the story of Bro. Branham and the bull that tried to charge him. She listened intently, hanging onto every word he said. Then, New Daddy read from the Bible and let her "read" from the Bible. And, lo, what did she find? "Brother Branham .... [garble-y garble-y] .... Wal Mart!" "Brother Branham .... candy at Wal Mart!" It was-- well, precious. We had to stifle giggles for a while.

Then, this morning, shortly after breakfast, Precious started complaining that her stomach hurt. She cuddled up to New Daddy and immediately became not herself. I went to my ABC Herbal book and looked up the directions for a -- brace yourself-- garlic enema. I used one part garlic oil to two parts water, and New Daddy administered it. I had never had anything to do with, um, that in my life. However, after a lengthy potty visit, Precious was all better and completely herself again! I am happy to report that garlic enemas work! And the experience was not as icky as I thought it would be.

~A few parting evidences of cuteness~
  • ~To the dog food display at Sam's-- fifty dog faces stacked together, Precious shouted, "No, Doggie! Go home!"
  • ~We found out what Potty Train means. Precious discovered one this morning. It says, "Choo Choo!"
