I've been digging again. Here's what I came up with.
Eat Fat, Lose Fat, by Mary Enig, Ph.D and Sally Fallon (yes, I know, it's those same, well-researched ladies that wrote the soy article). I'm not really sure where to begin. The crux of the whole fat/weight-loss thing is unrefined, organic coconut oil. And, now, I leave you with some links and quotes. Please feel free to enjoy them even more than I did!
Source: EatFatLoseFat.com
Here's an excerpt from the book.
Satiation: The Key to Weight Loss
When you consistently use coconut oil (along with other healthy fats), you provide vital nourishment to every cell in your body, nourishment that supports optimal function of your nerves, brain, hormones, immune system, and metabolism. But beyond that, you trigger a powerful mechanism that is key to success in permanent weight loss: satiation.
How does your body register this? When you eat coconut (and other healthy fats like those found in butter, cream, nuts, meats, and eggs), your body actually produces a hormone in the stomach and small intestine that signals that you’ve eaten enough. When you feel satiated, cravings, and the persistent hunger you experience on most diets, are banished. An added bonus is that many health problems will resolve themselves and you will have more energy and a more optimistic attitude toward life.
Satiation is a truly revolutionary weight-loss concept. By feeding your body the healthy fats it needs, you won’t feel hungry, you won’t need to deny yourself, and you won’t even want to overeat empty calories from foods like pizza, sodas, or commercially produced ice cream (which often contains gums, additives, and vegetable oils that negate the benefits of consuming cream).
And here's a testimonial.
Thank you for the enlightening information you present on your website. It has done wonders for my physical and emotional health in the past couple of years! Dr. Price’s book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration has been a true inspiration that weaves a strand of common sense through the otherwise confounding nutritional web into which most unfortunate people have become entangled.
Now that you’ve helped me to see nutrition in a new light, I keep my eyes open for potential nutritional crises that may be attributed by the mainstream medical profession to other causes. One that I find most interesting is the soaring rate of breast cancer among middle-aged white women in Marin County, California. Marin now has the highest rate of breast cancer in the US. The press cites numerous possible causes for this, including environmental toxins, usage of hormones, average age of the female population, etc., but totally neglects diet as a possible culprit. How could it be, given that Marin County residents consume one of the healthiest and most natural diets in the country- low in fat (except for vegetable oils), vegetarian, high grain and high soy? Could it be that this very diet is getting them into trouble? Perhaps the people in Marin need to understand what a truly natural diet is all about.
Finally, check out this review by Lawrence A. Plumlee, M.D., from The Environmental Physician.
“Eat Fat, Lose Fat” by Mary Enig, Ph.D., and Sally Fallon is the most exciting and informative book I’ve read since I read Theron Randolph’s Human Ecology and Susceptibility to the Chemical Environment 29 years ago. This is not primarily a book about losing weight. Their basic premise is that many chronic diseases can be healed by consuming coconut oil, cod liver oil, lard, and raw organic milk and butter, and they summarize the evidence that the vegetable oil industry has promoted oils which cause
-[get this]-
heart disease, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal insufficiency, reduced libido, allergies, hay fever, asthma, attention deficits, diabetes, hypoglycemia, food cravings, candidiasis, menorrhagia, immunodeficiciency, autoimmunity, irritable bowel, colitis, Crohn’s Disease, eczema, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes, and AIDS.
They also show that the drug industry has promoted the falsehood that dietary cholesterol causes arteriosclerosis in order to sell cholesterol lowering drugs. Why read a spy novel when the shocking truth about how the food and drug industries are using medical research to trick physicians and the public is laid out in “Eat Fat, Lose Fat”? There are also recipes, and 20 pages on how to find and purchase healthful, less chemically-contaminated fats and other traditional healthful foods. With nutritional supplements in jeopardy, it’s time to learn how traditional fats and other whole foods can restore and maintain health.
And, to that, I say "Amen!"
P.S. On Monday, I got four cucumbers from the garden and used the Nourishing Traditions recipe for pickled cucumbers. They filled two quart-sized jars. Results will be available tomorrow!
P.P.S. I also found a local source for grassfed calf liver! My excitement about such a find must be proof that I really have gone off the deep end. New Daddy has declared that ne'er shall the stuff touch his lips.