Oh, my, am I ever excited

I found uncured bacon from Hormel on my weekly grocery foray! Woo Hoo! Just to show my support (and oh, yes, it was on sale), I bought three packages and stuffed them in the freezer when I got home!

I also made a rare trip to Wal-Mart this week. The website had organic cotton duvet sets on clearance, and I got free shipping by using Site-to-Store delivery. Anyhoo... I also bought some tomato plants-- 3 Better Boys, 2 Pink Germans, and 1 Mr. Stripey. After I had stuck my heirloom Brandywine seeds in the ground, it became apparent a month later that nothing was coming from them. After glancing at several other tomato patches around the countryside and noticing that they all had at least one green fruit, I decided that something needed to be done, and quickly. Off to the Wal-Mart gardening section I went.

I was a little reluctant to buy Better Boy, because I like to stick with heirlooms or at least organics. But, all of the old-timers whom I've somehow gleaned advice from use this variety. I made up for it with Pink German and Mr. Stripey, which are both heirlooms. I got them in the ground Tuesday morning, and then it rained for the first time in several weeks! Maybe that's a good sign that I'm finally on the right track?

Things that have at least germinated from seeds in the ground:
~corn- both Howling Mob and Country Gentleman
~cucumber- organic hybrid burpless
~squash- organic yellow
~carrots- organic Danvers
~parsley- flat Italian
~marigold- French harlequin
~spinach- organic Tyee

Things that have not done well from just throwing seeds into the ground and probably covering them too deeply:
~tomatoes- Brandywine
~borage (Jury's still out on this one; there are a few sprouts. Will they survive?)
~beans- half runners

Now, do I have the patience or the time to start a few of these indoors? It sure is getting late in the season... I'd better stop dragging my feet...


Anonymous said…
I was talking to an older sister last week about gardening. She told me that when she used to grow a garden, she would get Pink Germans that weighed 2lbs. Twice the size of my monsterous Beef Steaks from last year.

Alex went last night and mixed some cow and chicken manure together in a big trashcan with water to put "manure tea" on our plants as a fertilizer. Gross but it should work.

Lord Bless!
Anonymous said…
I've noticed one of the grossest things about gardening is all of those belching cucumbers. Glad to know someone has finally done something about it.