I don't remember... when did they?

How many times do we parents turn around from the bustle of raising children to muse, "Where has the time gone?" I've noticed that I don't even think about my getting older, because I'm too busy watching my own children grow. Yesterday, I had one of those moments when I walked in to the bathroom and watched Bubby push himself up from the scale to tentatively stand by himself. He wobbled for a few moments before he plopped down on his bottom.

It's been just two weeks since he was sitting, or just "turtling" on his stomach with his limbs waving around his torso, trying to go somewhere. And then, suddenly he was crawling. A week later, he was cruising, and now, he's testing his solo balance. I heard him cackling in his room today. When I went to check on him, he was balancing between the rocking chair and a storage container that he had pushed up from.

One of the most impressive moments was Sunday morning when I was trying to get him dressed for church. As soon as I got him out of his nightie, he started towards the door. I said, "Stop. Come to Mommy." And he did just that, with a huge grin on his face. I was amazed! Child training (AKA Classical Conditioning) really does work! There is no feeling like your child responding joyfully to your words.

Or the feeling of seeing a child discover a new skill. It's all pure joy.


Anonymous said…
Amen to that! It is amazing how fast kids grow and develop..I am enjoying every minute of it. I have really been watching Z & K when I talk to them and sometimes I wonder if they understand more than we think....especially K since she is so into mommy right now...I am rewarded with smiles and coos after everything I tell her. Z is still into patterns and colors and she'd rather look at a book than at my face..haha.
Anonymous said…
Ah, they do sprout so quickly...makes one want to hold onto the tail of time to slow things down a bit.

Missed you at the fellowship meeting, but it looks like you were having a good time on vacation. Maybe next time.
New Mommy said…
I wished I could have seen you, Sis. Samantha! I had no idea Bro. Ben was preaching! I heard the service was wonderful, though.