A zapped bug

Precious awoke a few times during the night, and I made sure her fever stayed down and she had plenty of water to drink. This morning, she was still clingy and fussy when she woke up. We went and had her prescription filled, as planned. Then, we went to the farm and got our milk and eggs. She and Bubby slept in the car.

When the kids woke up at home, Precious was herself again. She started racing around the house, dancing to New Daddy's bluegrass music, tending to her dolls and playing "Super Bear" (the girl and bear version of "Super Girl", which is usually a Daddy and daughter game).

It appears that God has healed her through the garlic poultice, some TLC, and some very powerful prayers. At this point, I really don't see the point of going through the amox. Yesterday, New Daddy said, "Let's just see how her fever does tomorrow," and that turned out to be just the thing to do.

Thank you for your prayers! Thank you, Lord!
