
We all know that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

What we may not know is that when you let your yogurt culture for too long, you make yogurt cheese, which is healthy, homemade cream cheese! You can then save the whey and use it several ways. I used to pour it down the sink before I knew this. Nourishing Traditions tells us that whey is full of minerals, helps ease joint stiffness, and is a digestive aid (p. 87). I find the taste a little acidic, but bearable. NT suggests mixing a tablespoon into a glass of water. Then, of course, there are all of the body-building folks who mix whey into their protein shakes.

The reason I let the yogurt culture too long was because we were at Uncle B and Aunt Mo's on Saturday, and I didn't get home in time to put the yogurt in the fridge. Poppy and his crew were hard at work on the treehouse, while children dodged legs and branches to play on his creation. It is an amazing feat of ingenuity and skill. Those kids are so lucky! Here are a few pictures.
There's going to be a swinging bridge between the treehouse and the stand-alone platform on the right. Isn't that what every kid dreams of?

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Anonymous said…
Ok, I can handle the raw milk and homemade yogurt, but I draw the line at the curds and whey! :P
New Mommy said…
I know, it sounds way too much like Little Miss Muffet, doesn't it?