Vitamin B17 and Cancer

If you're a typical American, chances are good that your life has somehow been affected by cancer, whether it is via a relative, friend, or yourself. This "World Without Cancer" video by G. Edward Griffin is just too incredible to not share. It is about an hour long, so I had to watch it after the babies were in bed. But, it is a very worthy view.

Self-description of the video:
"This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle."

Finally, cutting to the chase for those of us who don't have time or the bandwidth to view the whole thing, here's a follow-up site that lists these sources of vitamin B17:
"Apple seeds, alfalfa sprouts, apricot kernels, bamboo shoots, barley, beet tops, bitter almond, blackberries, boysenberries, brewer’s yeast, brown rice, buckwheat, cashews, cherry kernels, cranberries, currants, fava beans, flax seeds, garbanzo beans, gooseberries, huckleberries, lentils, lima beans, linseed meat, loganberries, macadamia nuts, millet, millet seed, peach kernels, pecans, plum kernels, quince, raspberries, sorghum cane syrup, spinach, sprouts (alfalfa, lentil, mung bean, buckwheat, garbanzo), strawberries, walnuts, watercress, yams."
