Escape artistry

Lately, Bubby has become quite adept at relieving himself of his potty-duty. After he's done his business, he can escape several ways. There's the sideways roll, the forward push-up, and the jumping pull-up. All three are quite painless and effective. This means I'm going to have to be more careful about plopping him down and then going off to do something quick around the house. Here is a picture of the second method of escape.
After we got home from the store today, New Daddy took Precious for a walk. Oh, the joy of having a husband working at home! When they got to the creek, they heard something rustling in the leaves. It turned out to be a box turtle, and New Daddy brought him to our walkway. Precious made up a story about the turtle jumping up to bite her, complete with the dance that she would perform to escape him.

One more cute snippet...
Bubby was crying while he was falling asleep yesterday afternoon. Precious found a switch, brought it to me, and very seriously said, "This is for Bubby."

I like this business of New Daddy working from home. He puts in a lot more hours, but at least they're spent here, and not an hour away from us. Precious is slowly getting used to leaving him alone. He doesn't mind the interruptions too badly, though. She slowly bumps down the stairs and takes a few cautious steps to scope out the area (or wait for me to call her back upstairs). Then, she makes her grand entrance and races to his desk, yelling, "Daddyeeeee!" It makes his day, over and over.
