Ruthi's friend Vickie met me at the nursing home to handle the logistical side of things (what Ruthi used to do). I could not do these visits without someone else helping out. Vickie brought snacks, handed out prizes, and had the audience read Spring-y poems. How did I not get any pictures of her??? Well, she did me a huge favor by taking pictures of me with my children. I'm always behind the camera, so these shots are especially nice to have.
And, last week, Vickie met Sally Fallon at a bookstore in Asheville! We exchanged tons of ideas about all that stuff before we left. Heee.
I also had a slightly musical evening. Bubby was super-fussy before I put him down to bed. At first, I tried singing something peppy to distract him, and it did nothing for him. Then, I started improvising a slow, melodic lullaby. He was instantly captivated. He loved it so much that I raced to the living room after I laid him down and wrote it down the best I could remember.
That one will probably be developed along with all of the other themes that are scribbled in manuscript notebooks, awaiting a time of intense boredom, inspiration, or poverty. Still, it felt so familiar to have a notebook of empty staves in one hand, a slightly dull number two pencil in the other hand, and a head full of music.
And now, I have to say that it is beyond fabulous to have my husband back home from all of his fishing excursions! He even brought home some fresh bream! Tomorrow, we're planning to check out the local dairy. I'll try to get some pics of the kids with the Jerseys!
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