At one point in the evening, I had Cousin K, and Cousin Zo started fussing. I picked up Cousin Zo and did the "baby dance" with both of them. Being together relaxed them, and they both dozed off in my arms. *sigh* Here are the girls at almost 5 weeks old.
---------------Cousin K--------------------Cousin Zo---------------One Happy Aunt
Cousin K was just kickin' back there. She was so relaxed and "out of it," she didn't seem to mind being suspended like that. Though, I got her to lean against me after New Daddy took this picture. If children are a blessing from the Lord, two are a double blessing! These girls are so precious.
---------------Cousin K--------------------Cousin Zo---------------One Happy Aunt
Cousin K was just kickin' back there. She was so relaxed and "out of it," she didn't seem to mind being suspended like that. Though, I got her to lean against me after New Daddy took this picture. If children are a blessing from the Lord, two are a double blessing! These girls are so precious.