Only a toddler...

... would interject her retelling of Jonah's story with verbalizations like "DAH!"
Usage: "Jonah, big pish! DAH! And spit! BAH!" To conclude the story, "Jonah, peekabooooo [from the big fish]."

... would put the food that she meant to feed me in her own mouth. Then, upon realizing her mistake, would take the food out and offer it to me again.

... would put her garlic poultice on her chest, and then go careening down the hall yelling, "I raceee wi' ma poultice!" at the top of her lungs.


Anonymous said…
It reminds me of a certain little girl I once knew that would pound on the piano, bellowing at the top of her lungs in perfect rythm and key... and belly laugh at almost anything... and make the strangest sort of mental connections between various disparate facts... that grew up to be a very talented and giving young mother.
New Mommy said…
Daddy, you just made my day!
Anonymous said…
That is so funny Sharon, I liked the racing with the poultice story, I could just imagine. Kids are a joy.